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BestChange monitors exchange rates in several hundred reliable exchangers and equips you with all the information you need to select the best exchanger to transfer your money. Watch the explanation to see how the service works.
Best exchange rates

The table below shows the best exchange rates for the 20 most popular directions, with the best rates on top. Other relevant information is available in icons next to the exchanger name and columns to its right.
How to exchange

***Simply select the exchange direction in the panel on the left: the Table,List,Popular tabs, and then select an exchanger out of the list of trusted and reliable ones***

(click on the picture to see)

How to use our platform to exchange crypto/fiat/e-currencies

On the panel on the left, select the currency that you have and the currency you want to buy/exchange to; The center of the page will show a list of reliable and trusted exchangers that work with this exchange direction. By default, the exchangers with the best rates are at the top of the list; You can use the Calculator feature to check exact amounts you will get after the conversion; Choose an exchanger that suits you, click on it to go to its website and follow the instructions to make an exchange. The interface of BestChange has informative icons, showing whether the exchanger has manual exchange, whether the rate is fixed or the verification required, etc. You can also read reviews by real clients to make an informed choice.